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Code Editor :
from sys import platform from functools import wraps, partial from itertools import count from weakref import WeakValueDictionary from errno import errorcode from six import text_type as _text_type from six import integer_types as integer_types from OpenSSL._util import ( ffi as _ffi, lib as _lib, exception_from_error_queue as _exception_from_error_queue, native as _native) from OpenSSL.crypto import ( FILETYPE_PEM, _PassphraseHelper, PKey, X509Name, X509, X509Store) _unspecified = object() try: _memoryview = memoryview except NameError: class _memoryview(object): pass OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER = _lib.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER SSLEAY_VERSION = _lib.SSLEAY_VERSION SSLEAY_CFLAGS = _lib.SSLEAY_CFLAGS SSLEAY_PLATFORM = _lib.SSLEAY_PLATFORM SSLEAY_DIR = _lib.SSLEAY_DIR SSLEAY_BUILT_ON = _lib.SSLEAY_BUILT_ON SENT_SHUTDOWN = _lib.SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN = _lib.SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN SSLv2_METHOD = 1 SSLv3_METHOD = 2 SSLv23_METHOD = 3 TLSv1_METHOD = 4 TLSv1_1_METHOD = 5 TLSv1_2_METHOD = 6 OP_NO_SSLv2 = _lib.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 OP_NO_SSLv3 = _lib.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 OP_NO_TLSv1 = _lib.SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 OP_NO_TLSv1_1 = getattr(_lib, "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1", 0) OP_NO_TLSv1_2 = getattr(_lib, "SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2", 0) try: MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS = _lib.SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS except AttributeError: pass OP_SINGLE_DH_USE = _lib.SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA = _lib.SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG = _lib.SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG OP_NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUG = _lib.SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUG OP_NETSCAPE_REUSE_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG = _lib.SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_REUSE_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG = _lib.SSL_OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER = _lib.SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER try: OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING = _lib.SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING except AttributeError: pass OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG = _lib.SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG OP_TLS_D5_BUG = _lib.SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG = _lib.SSL_OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS = _lib.SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE = _lib.SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG = _lib.SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1 = _lib.SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1 OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2 = _lib.SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2 OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG = _lib.SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG OP_NETSCAPE_DEMO_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG= _lib.SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_DEMO_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG try: OP_NO_COMPRESSION = _lib.SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION except AttributeError: pass OP_NO_QUERY_MTU = _lib.SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE = _lib.SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE OP_NO_TICKET = _lib.SSL_OP_NO_TICKET OP_ALL = _lib.SSL_OP_ALL VERIFY_PEER = _lib.SSL_VERIFY_PEER VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT = _lib.SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE = _lib.SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE VERIFY_NONE = _lib.SSL_VERIFY_NONE SESS_CACHE_OFF = _lib.SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF SESS_CACHE_CLIENT = _lib.SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT SESS_CACHE_SERVER = _lib.SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER SESS_CACHE_BOTH = _lib.SSL_SESS_CACHE_BOTH SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR = _lib.SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_LOOKUP = _lib.SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_LOOKUP SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_STORE = _lib.SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_STORE SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL = _lib.SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL SSL_ST_CONNECT = _lib.SSL_ST_CONNECT SSL_ST_ACCEPT = _lib.SSL_ST_ACCEPT SSL_ST_MASK = _lib.SSL_ST_MASK SSL_ST_INIT = _lib.SSL_ST_INIT SSL_ST_BEFORE = _lib.SSL_ST_BEFORE SSL_ST_OK = _lib.SSL_ST_OK SSL_ST_RENEGOTIATE = _lib.SSL_ST_RENEGOTIATE SSL_CB_LOOP = _lib.SSL_CB_LOOP SSL_CB_EXIT = _lib.SSL_CB_EXIT SSL_CB_READ = _lib.SSL_CB_READ SSL_CB_WRITE = _lib.SSL_CB_WRITE SSL_CB_ALERT = _lib.SSL_CB_ALERT SSL_CB_READ_ALERT = _lib.SSL_CB_READ_ALERT SSL_CB_WRITE_ALERT = _lib.SSL_CB_WRITE_ALERT SSL_CB_ACCEPT_LOOP = _lib.SSL_CB_ACCEPT_LOOP SSL_CB_ACCEPT_EXIT = _lib.SSL_CB_ACCEPT_EXIT SSL_CB_CONNECT_LOOP = _lib.SSL_CB_CONNECT_LOOP SSL_CB_CONNECT_EXIT = _lib.SSL_CB_CONNECT_EXIT SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_START = _lib.SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_START SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE = _lib.SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE class Error(Exception): """ An error occurred in an `OpenSSL.SSL` API. """ _raise_current_error = partial(_exception_from_error_queue, Error) class WantReadError(Error): pass class WantWriteError(Error): pass class WantX509LookupError(Error): pass class ZeroReturnError(Error): pass class SysCallError(Error): pass class _VerifyHelper(object): def __init__(self, connection, callback): self._problems = [] @wraps(callback) def wrapper(ok, store_ctx): cert = X509.__new__(X509) cert._x509 = _lib.X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(store_ctx) error_number = _lib.X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(store_ctx) error_depth = _lib.X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(store_ctx) try: result = callback(connection, cert, error_number, error_depth, ok) except Exception as e: self._problems.append(e) return 0 else: if result: _lib.X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(store_ctx, _lib.X509_V_OK) return 1 else: return 0 self.callback = _ffi.callback( "int (*)(int, X509_STORE_CTX *)", wrapper) def raise_if_problem(self): if self._problems: try: _raise_current_error() except Error: pass raise self._problems.pop(0) def _asFileDescriptor(obj): fd = None if not isinstance(obj, integer_types): meth = getattr(obj, "fileno", None) if meth is not None: obj = meth() if isinstance(obj, integer_types): fd = obj if not isinstance(fd, integer_types): raise TypeError("argument must be an int, or have a fileno() method.") elif fd < 0: raise ValueError( "file descriptor cannot be a negative integer (%i)" % (fd,)) return fd def SSLeay_version(type): """ Return a string describing the version of OpenSSL in use. :param type: One of the SSLEAY_ constants defined in this module. """ return _ffi.string(_lib.SSLeay_version(type)) class Session(object): pass class Context(object): """ :py:obj:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context` instances define the parameters for setting up new SSL connections. """ _methods = { SSLv3_METHOD: "SSLv3_method", SSLv23_METHOD: "SSLv23_method", TLSv1_METHOD: "TLSv1_method", TLSv1_1_METHOD: "TLSv1_1_method", TLSv1_2_METHOD: "TLSv1_2_method", } _methods = dict( (identifier, getattr(_lib, name)) for (identifier, name) in _methods.items() if getattr(_lib, name, None) is not None) def __init__(self, method): """ :param method: One of SSLv2_METHOD, SSLv3_METHOD, SSLv23_METHOD, or TLSv1_METHOD. """ if not isinstance(method, integer_types): raise TypeError("method must be an integer") try: method_func = self._methods[method] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No such protocol") method_obj = method_func() if method_obj == _ffi.NULL: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() context = _lib.SSL_CTX_new(method_obj) if context == _ffi.NULL: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() context = _ffi.gc(context, _lib.SSL_CTX_free) self._context = context self._passphrase_helper = None self._passphrase_callback = None self._passphrase_userdata = None self._verify_helper = None self._verify_callback = None self._info_callback = None self._tlsext_servername_callback = None self._app_data = None # SSL_CTX_set_app_data(self->ctx, self); # SSL_CTX_set_mode(self->ctx, SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE | # SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER | # SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); self.set_mode(_lib.SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE) def load_verify_locations(self, cafile, capath=None): """ Let SSL know where we can find trusted certificates for the certificate chain :param cafile: In which file we can find the certificates :param capath: In which directory we can find the certificates :return: None """ if cafile is None: cafile = _ffi.NULL elif not isinstance(cafile, bytes): raise TypeError("cafile must be None or a byte string") if capath is None: capath = _ffi.NULL elif not isinstance(capath, bytes): raise TypeError("capath must be None or a byte string") load_result = _lib.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(self._context, cafile, capath) if not load_result: _raise_current_error() def _wrap_callback(self, callback): @wraps(callback) def wrapper(size, verify, userdata): return callback(size, verify, self._passphrase_userdata) return _PassphraseHelper( FILETYPE_PEM, wrapper, more_args=True, truncate=True) def set_passwd_cb(self, callback, userdata=None): """ Set the passphrase callback :param callback: The Python callback to use :param userdata: (optional) A Python object which will be given as argument to the callback :return: None """ if not callable(callback): raise TypeError("callback must be callable") self._passphrase_helper = self._wrap_callback(callback) self._passphrase_callback = self._passphrase_helper.callback _lib.SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb( self._context, self._passphrase_callback) self._passphrase_userdata = userdata def set_default_verify_paths(self): """ Use the platform-specific CA certificate locations :return: None """ set_result = _lib.SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(self._context) if not set_result: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() def use_certificate_chain_file(self, certfile): """ Load a certificate chain from a file :param certfile: The name of the certificate chain file :return: None """ if isinstance(certfile, _text_type): # Perhaps sys.getfilesystemencoding() could be better? certfile = certfile.encode("utf-8") if not isinstance(certfile, bytes): raise TypeError("certfile must be bytes or unicode") result = _lib.SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(self._context, certfile) if not result: _raise_current_error() def use_certificate_file(self, certfile, filetype=FILETYPE_PEM): """ Load a certificate from a file :param certfile: The name of the certificate file :param filetype: (optional) The encoding of the file, default is PEM :return: None """ if isinstance(certfile, _text_type): # Perhaps sys.getfilesystemencoding() could be better? certfile = certfile.encode("utf-8") if not isinstance(certfile, bytes): raise TypeError("certfile must be bytes or unicode") if not isinstance(filetype, integer_types): raise TypeError("filetype must be an integer") use_result = _lib.SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(self._context, certfile, filetype) if not use_result: _raise_current_error() def use_certificate(self, cert): """ Load a certificate from a X509 object :param cert: The X509 object :return: None """ if not isinstance(cert, X509): raise TypeError("cert must be an X509 instance") use_result = _lib.SSL_CTX_use_certificate(self._context, cert._x509) if not use_result: _raise_current_error() def add_extra_chain_cert(self, certobj): """ Add certificate to chain :param certobj: The X509 certificate object to add to the chain :return: None """ if not isinstance(certobj, X509): raise TypeError("certobj must be an X509 instance") copy = _lib.X509_dup(certobj._x509) add_result = _lib.SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(self._context, copy) if not add_result: # TODO: This is untested. _lib.X509_free(copy) _raise_current_error() def _raise_passphrase_exception(self): if self._passphrase_helper is None: _raise_current_error() exception = self._passphrase_helper.raise_if_problem(Error) if exception is not None: raise exception def use_privatekey_file(self, keyfile, filetype=_unspecified): """ Load a private key from a file :param keyfile: The name of the key file :param filetype: (optional) The encoding of the file, default is PEM :return: None """ if isinstance(keyfile, _text_type): # Perhaps sys.getfilesystemencoding() could be better? keyfile = keyfile.encode("utf-8") if not isinstance(keyfile, bytes): raise TypeError("keyfile must be a byte string") if filetype is _unspecified: filetype = FILETYPE_PEM elif not isinstance(filetype, integer_types): raise TypeError("filetype must be an integer") use_result = _lib.SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file( self._context, keyfile, filetype) if not use_result: self._raise_passphrase_exception() def use_privatekey(self, pkey): """ Load a private key from a PKey object :param pkey: The PKey object :return: None """ if not isinstance(pkey, PKey): raise TypeError("pkey must be a PKey instance") use_result = _lib.SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(self._context, pkey._pkey) if not use_result: self._raise_passphrase_exception() def check_privatekey(self): """ Check that the private key and certificate match up :return: None (raises an exception if something's wrong) """ def load_client_ca(self, cafile): """ Load the trusted certificates that will be sent to the client (basically telling the client "These are the guys I trust"). Does not actually imply any of the certificates are trusted; that must be configured separately. :param cafile: The name of the certificates file :return: None """ def set_session_id(self, buf): """ Set the session identifier. This is needed if you want to do session resumption. :param buf: A Python object that can be safely converted to a string :returns: None """ def set_session_cache_mode(self, mode): """ Enable/disable session caching and specify the mode used. :param mode: One or more of the SESS_CACHE_* flags (combine using bitwise or) :returns: The previously set caching mode. """ if not isinstance(mode, integer_types): raise TypeError("mode must be an integer") return _lib.SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(self._context, mode) def get_session_cache_mode(self): """ :returns: The currently used cache mode. """ return _lib.SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode(self._context) def set_verify(self, mode, callback): """ Set the verify mode and verify callback :param mode: The verify mode, this is either VERIFY_NONE or VERIFY_PEER combined with possible other flags :param callback: The Python callback to use :return: None See SSL_CTX_set_verify(3SSL) for further details. """ if not isinstance(mode, integer_types): raise TypeError("mode must be an integer") if not callable(callback): raise TypeError("callback must be callable") self._verify_helper = _VerifyHelper(self, callback) self._verify_callback = self._verify_helper.callback _lib.SSL_CTX_set_verify(self._context, mode, self._verify_callback) def set_verify_depth(self, depth): """ Set the verify depth :param depth: An integer specifying the verify depth :return: None """ if not isinstance(depth, integer_types): raise TypeError("depth must be an integer") _lib.SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(self._context, depth) def get_verify_mode(self): """ Get the verify mode :return: The verify mode """ return _lib.SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode(self._context) def get_verify_depth(self): """ Get the verify depth :return: The verify depth """ return _lib.SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth(self._context) def load_tmp_dh(self, dhfile): """ Load parameters for Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman :param dhfile: The file to load EDH parameters from :return: None """ if not isinstance(dhfile, bytes): raise TypeError("dhfile must be a byte string") bio = _lib.BIO_new_file(dhfile, b"r") if bio == _ffi.NULL: _raise_current_error() bio = _ffi.gc(bio, _lib.BIO_free) dh = _lib.PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bio, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL) dh = _ffi.gc(dh, _lib.DH_free) _lib.SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(self._context, dh) def set_cipher_list(self, cipher_list): """ Change the cipher list :param cipher_list: A cipher list, see ciphers(1) :return: None """ if isinstance(cipher_list, _text_type): cipher_list = cipher_list.encode("ascii") if not isinstance(cipher_list, bytes): raise TypeError("cipher_list must be bytes or unicode") result = _lib.SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(self._context, cipher_list) if not result: _raise_current_error() def set_client_ca_list(self, certificate_authorities): """ Set the list of preferred client certificate signers for this server context. This list of certificate authorities will be sent to the client when the server requests a client certificate. :param certificate_authorities: a sequence of X509Names. :return: None """ name_stack = _lib.sk_X509_NAME_new_null() if name_stack == _ffi.NULL: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() try: for ca_name in certificate_authorities: if not isinstance(ca_name, X509Name): raise TypeError( "client CAs must be X509Name objects, not %s objects" % ( type(ca_name).__name__,)) copy = _lib.X509_NAME_dup(ca_name._name) if copy == _ffi.NULL: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() push_result = _lib.sk_X509_NAME_push(name_stack, copy) if not push_result: _lib.X509_NAME_free(copy) _raise_current_error() except: _lib.sk_X509_NAME_free(name_stack) raise _lib.SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(self._context, name_stack) def add_client_ca(self, certificate_authority): """ Add the CA certificate to the list of preferred signers for this context. The list of certificate authorities will be sent to the client when the server requests a client certificate. :param certificate_authority: certificate authority's X509 certificate. :return: None """ if not isinstance(certificate_authority, X509): raise TypeError("certificate_authority must be an X509 instance") add_result = _lib.SSL_CTX_add_client_CA( self._context, certificate_authority._x509) if not add_result: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() def set_timeout(self, timeout): """ Set session timeout :param timeout: The timeout in seconds :return: The previous session timeout """ if not isinstance(timeout, integer_types): raise TypeError("timeout must be an integer") return _lib.SSL_CTX_set_timeout(self._context, timeout) def get_timeout(self): """ Get the session timeout :return: The session timeout """ return _lib.SSL_CTX_get_timeout(self._context) def set_info_callback(self, callback): """ Set the info callback :param callback: The Python callback to use :return: None """ @wraps(callback) def wrapper(ssl, where, return_code): callback(Connection._reverse_mapping[ssl], where, return_code) self._info_callback = _ffi.callback( "void (*)(const SSL *, int, int)", wrapper) _lib.SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(self._context, self._info_callback) def get_app_data(self): """ Get the application data (supplied via set_app_data()) :return: The application data """ return self._app_data def set_app_data(self, data): """ Set the application data (will be returned from get_app_data()) :param data: Any Python object :return: None """ self._app_data = data def get_cert_store(self): """ Get the certificate store for the context. :return: A X509Store object or None if it does not have one. """ store = _lib.SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(self._context) if store == _ffi.NULL: # TODO: This is untested. return None pystore = X509Store.__new__(X509Store) pystore._store = store return pystore def set_options(self, options): """ Add options. Options set before are not cleared! :param options: The options to add. :return: The new option bitmask. """ if not isinstance(options, integer_types): raise TypeError("options must be an integer") return _lib.SSL_CTX_set_options(self._context, options) def set_mode(self, mode): """ Add modes via bitmask. Modes set before are not cleared! :param mode: The mode to add. :return: The new mode bitmask. """ if not isinstance(mode, integer_types): raise TypeError("mode must be an integer") return _lib.SSL_CTX_set_mode(self._context, mode) def set_tlsext_servername_callback(self, callback): """ Specify a callback function to be called when clients specify a server name. :param callback: The callback function. It will be invoked with one argument, the Connection instance. """ @wraps(callback) def wrapper(ssl, alert, arg): callback(Connection._reverse_mapping[ssl]) return 0 self._tlsext_servername_callback = _ffi.callback( "int (*)(const SSL *, int *, void *)", wrapper) _lib.SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback( self._context, self._tlsext_servername_callback) ContextType = Context class Connection(object): """ """ _reverse_mapping = WeakValueDictionary() def __init__(self, context, socket=None): """ Create a new Connection object, using the given OpenSSL.SSL.Context instance and socket. :param context: An SSL Context to use for this connection :param socket: The socket to use for transport layer """ if not isinstance(context, Context): raise TypeError("context must be a Context instance") ssl = _lib.SSL_new(context._context) self._ssl = _ffi.gc(ssl, _lib.SSL_free) self._context = context self._reverse_mapping[self._ssl] = self if socket is None: self._socket = None # Don't set up any gc for these, SSL_free will take care of them. self._into_ssl = _lib.BIO_new(_lib.BIO_s_mem()) self._from_ssl = _lib.BIO_new(_lib.BIO_s_mem()) if self._into_ssl == _ffi.NULL or self._from_ssl == _ffi.NULL: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() _lib.SSL_set_bio(self._ssl, self._into_ssl, self._from_ssl) else: self._into_ssl = None self._from_ssl = None self._socket = socket set_result = _lib.SSL_set_fd(self._ssl, _asFileDescriptor(self._socket)) if not set_result: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() def __getattr__(self, name): """ Look up attributes on the wrapped socket object if they are not found on the Connection object. """ return getattr(self._socket, name) def _raise_ssl_error(self, ssl, result): if self._context._verify_helper is not None: self._context._verify_helper.raise_if_problem() error = _lib.SSL_get_error(ssl, result) if error == _lib.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: raise WantReadError() elif error == _lib.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: raise WantWriteError() elif error == _lib.SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: raise ZeroReturnError() elif error == _lib.SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: # TODO: This is untested. raise WantX509LookupError() elif error == _lib.SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: if _lib.ERR_peek_error() == 0: if result < 0: if platform == "win32": errno = _ffi.getwinerror()[0] else: errno = _ffi.errno raise SysCallError(errno, errorcode[errno]) else: raise SysCallError(-1, "Unexpected EOF") else: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() elif error == _lib.SSL_ERROR_NONE: pass else: _raise_current_error() def get_context(self): """ Get session context """ return self._context def set_context(self, context): """ Switch this connection to a new session context :param context: A :py:class:`Context` instance giving the new session context to use. """ if not isinstance(context, Context): raise TypeError("context must be a Context instance") _lib.SSL_set_SSL_CTX(self._ssl, context._context) self._context = context def get_servername(self): """ Retrieve the servername extension value if provided in the client hello message, or None if there wasn't one. :return: A byte string giving the server name or :py:data:`None`. """ name = _lib.SSL_get_servername(self._ssl, _lib.TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name) if name == _ffi.NULL: return None return _ffi.string(name) def set_tlsext_host_name(self, name): """ Set the value of the servername extension to send in the client hello. :param name: A byte string giving the name. """ if not isinstance(name, bytes): raise TypeError("name must be a byte string") elif b"\0" in name: raise TypeError("name must not contain NUL byte") # XXX I guess this can fail sometimes? _lib.SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(self._ssl, name) def pending(self): """ Get the number of bytes that can be safely read from the connection :return: The number of bytes available in the receive buffer. """ return _lib.SSL_pending(self._ssl) def send(self, buf, flags=0): """ Send data on the connection. NOTE: If you get one of the WantRead, WantWrite or WantX509Lookup exceptions on this, you have to call the method again with the SAME buffer. :param buf: The string to send :param flags: (optional) Included for compatibility with the socket API, the value is ignored :return: The number of bytes written """ if isinstance(buf, _memoryview): buf = buf.tobytes() if not isinstance(buf, bytes): raise TypeError("data must be a byte string") result = _lib.SSL_write(self._ssl, buf, len(buf)) self._raise_ssl_error(self._ssl, result) return result write = send def sendall(self, buf, flags=0): """ Send "all" data on the connection. This calls send() repeatedly until all data is sent. If an error occurs, it's impossible to tell how much data has been sent. :param buf: The string to send :param flags: (optional) Included for compatibility with the socket API, the value is ignored :return: The number of bytes written """ if isinstance(buf, _memoryview): buf = buf.tobytes() if not isinstance(buf, bytes): raise TypeError("buf must be a byte string") left_to_send = len(buf) total_sent = 0 data ="char[]", buf) while left_to_send: result = _lib.SSL_write(self._ssl, data + total_sent, left_to_send) self._raise_ssl_error(self._ssl, result) total_sent += result left_to_send -= result def recv(self, bufsiz, flags=None): """ Receive data on the connection. NOTE: If you get one of the WantRead, WantWrite or WantX509Lookup exceptions on this, you have to call the method again with the SAME buffer. :param bufsiz: The maximum number of bytes to read :param flags: (optional) Included for compatibility with the socket API, the value is ignored :return: The string read from the Connection """ buf ="char[]", bufsiz) result = _lib.SSL_read(self._ssl, buf, bufsiz) self._raise_ssl_error(self._ssl, result) return _ffi.buffer(buf, result)[:] read = recv def _handle_bio_errors(self, bio, result): if _lib.BIO_should_retry(bio): if _lib.BIO_should_read(bio): raise WantReadError() elif _lib.BIO_should_write(bio): # TODO: This is untested. raise WantWriteError() elif _lib.BIO_should_io_special(bio): # TODO: This is untested. I think io_special means the socket # BIO has a not-yet connected socket. raise ValueError("BIO_should_io_special") else: # TODO: This is untested. raise ValueError("unknown bio failure") else: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() def bio_read(self, bufsiz): """ When using non-socket connections this function reads the "dirty" data that would have traveled away on the network. :param bufsiz: The maximum number of bytes to read :return: The string read. """ if self._from_ssl is None: raise TypeError("Connection sock was not None") if not isinstance(bufsiz, integer_types): raise TypeError("bufsiz must be an integer") buf ="char[]", bufsiz) result = _lib.BIO_read(self._from_ssl, buf, bufsiz) if result <= 0: self._handle_bio_errors(self._from_ssl, result) return _ffi.buffer(buf, result)[:] def bio_write(self, buf): """ When using non-socket connections this function sends "dirty" data that would have traveled in on the network. :param buf: The string to put into the memory BIO. :return: The number of bytes written """ if self._into_ssl is None: raise TypeError("Connection sock was not None") if not isinstance(buf, bytes): raise TypeError("buf must be a byte string") result = _lib.BIO_write(self._into_ssl, buf, len(buf)) if result <= 0: self._handle_bio_errors(self._into_ssl, result) return result def renegotiate(self): """ Renegotiate the session :return: True if the renegotiation can be started, false otherwise """ def do_handshake(self): """ Perform an SSL handshake (usually called after renegotiate() or one of set_*_state()). This can raise the same exceptions as send and recv. :return: None. """ result = _lib.SSL_do_handshake(self._ssl) self._raise_ssl_error(self._ssl, result) def renegotiate_pending(self): """ Check if there's a renegotiation in progress, it will return false once a renegotiation is finished. :return: Whether there's a renegotiation in progress """ def total_renegotiations(self): """ Find out the total number of renegotiations. :return: The number of renegotiations. """ return _lib.SSL_total_renegotiations(self._ssl) def connect(self, addr): """ Connect to remote host and set up client-side SSL :param addr: A remote address :return: What the socket's connect method returns """ _lib.SSL_set_connect_state(self._ssl) return self._socket.connect(addr) def connect_ex(self, addr): """ Connect to remote host and set up client-side SSL. Note that if the socket's connect_ex method doesn't return 0, SSL won't be initialized. :param addr: A remove address :return: What the socket's connect_ex method returns """ connect_ex = self._socket.connect_ex self.set_connect_state() return connect_ex(addr) def accept(self): """ Accept incoming connection and set up SSL on it :return: A (conn,addr) pair where conn is a Connection and addr is an address """ client, addr = self._socket.accept() conn = Connection(self._context, client) conn.set_accept_state() return (conn, addr) def bio_shutdown(self): """ When using non-socket connections this function signals end of data on the input for this connection. :return: None """ if self._from_ssl is None: raise TypeError("Connection sock was not None") _lib.BIO_set_mem_eof_return(self._into_ssl, 0) def shutdown(self): """ Send closure alert :return: True if the shutdown completed successfully (i.e. both sides have sent closure alerts), false otherwise (i.e. you have to wait for a ZeroReturnError on a recv() method call """ result = _lib.SSL_shutdown(self._ssl) if result < 0: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() elif result > 0: return True else: return False def get_cipher_list(self): """ Get the session cipher list :return: A list of cipher strings """ ciphers = [] for i in count(): result = _lib.SSL_get_cipher_list(self._ssl, i) if result == _ffi.NULL: break ciphers.append(_native(_ffi.string(result))) return ciphers def get_client_ca_list(self): """ Get CAs whose certificates are suggested for client authentication. :return: If this is a server connection, a list of X509Names representing the acceptable CAs as set by :py:meth:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context.set_client_ca_list` or :py:meth:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context.add_client_ca`. If this is a client connection, the list of such X509Names sent by the server, or an empty list if that has not yet happened. """ ca_names = _lib.SSL_get_client_CA_list(self._ssl) if ca_names == _ffi.NULL: # TODO: This is untested. return [] result = [] for i in range(_lib.sk_X509_NAME_num(ca_names)): name = _lib.sk_X509_NAME_value(ca_names, i) copy = _lib.X509_NAME_dup(name) if copy == _ffi.NULL: # TODO: This is untested. _raise_current_error() pyname = X509Name.__new__(X509Name) pyname._name = _ffi.gc(copy, _lib.X509_NAME_free) result.append(pyname) return result def makefile(self): """ The makefile() method is not implemented, since there is no dup semantics for SSL connections :raise NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError("Cannot make file object of OpenSSL.SSL.Connection") def get_app_data(self): """ Get application data :return: The application data """ return self._app_data def set_app_data(self, data): """ Set application data :param data - The application data :return: None """ self._app_data = data def get_shutdown(self): """ Get shutdown state :return: The shutdown state, a bitvector of SENT_SHUTDOWN, RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN. """ return _lib.SSL_get_shutdown(self._ssl) def set_shutdown(self, state): """ Set shutdown state :param state - bitvector of SENT_SHUTDOWN, RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN. :return: None """ if not isinstance(state, integer_types): raise TypeError("state must be an integer") _lib.SSL_set_shutdown(self._ssl, state) def state_string(self): """ Get a verbose state description :return: A string representing the state """ def server_random(self): """ Get a copy of the server hello nonce. :return: A string representing the state """ if self._ssl.session == _ffi.NULL: return None return _ffi.buffer( self._ssl.s3.server_random, _lib.SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE)[:] def client_random(self): """ Get a copy of the client hello nonce. :return: A string representing the state """ if self._ssl.session == _ffi.NULL: return None return _ffi.buffer( self._ssl.s3.client_random, _lib.SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE)[:] def master_key(self): """ Get a copy of the master key. :return: A string representing the state """ if self._ssl.session == _ffi.NULL: return None return _ffi.buffer( self._ssl.session.master_key, self._ssl.session.master_key_length)[:] def sock_shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs): """ See shutdown(2) :return: What the socket's shutdown() method returns """ return self._socket.shutdown(*args, **kwargs) def get_peer_certificate(self): """ Retrieve the other side's certificate (if any) :return: The peer's certificate """ cert = _lib.SSL_get_peer_certificate(self._ssl) if cert != _ffi.NULL: pycert = X509.__new__(X509) pycert._x509 = _ffi.gc(cert, _lib.X509_free) return pycert return None def get_peer_cert_chain(self): """ Retrieve the other side's certificate (if any) :return: A list of X509 instances giving the peer's certificate chain, or None if it does not have one. """ cert_stack = _lib.SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(self._ssl) if cert_stack == _ffi.NULL: return None result = [] for i in range(_lib.sk_X509_num(cert_stack)): # TODO could incref instead of dup here cert = _lib.X509_dup(_lib.sk_X509_value(cert_stack, i)) pycert = X509.__new__(X509) pycert._x509 = _ffi.gc(cert, _lib.X509_free) result.append(pycert) return result def want_read(self): """ Checks if more data has to be read from the transport layer to complete an operation. :return: True iff more data has to be read """ return _lib.SSL_want_read(self._ssl) def want_write(self): """ Checks if there is data to write to the transport layer to complete an operation. :return: True iff there is data to write """ return _lib.SSL_want_write(self._ssl) def set_accept_state(self): """ Set the connection to work in server mode. The handshake will be handled automatically by read/write. :return: None """ _lib.SSL_set_accept_state(self._ssl) def set_connect_state(self): """ Set the connection to work in client mode. The handshake will be handled automatically by read/write. :return: None """ _lib.SSL_set_connect_state(self._ssl) def get_session(self): """ Returns the Session currently used. @return: An instance of :py:class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Session` or :py:obj:`None` if no session exists. """ session = _lib.SSL_get1_session(self._ssl) if session == _ffi.NULL: return None pysession = Session.__new__(Session) pysession._session = _ffi.gc(session, _lib.SSL_SESSION_free) return pysession def set_session(self, session): """ Set the session to be used when the TLS/SSL connection is established. :param session: A Session instance representing the session to use. :returns: None """ if not isinstance(session, Session): raise TypeError("session must be a Session instance") result = _lib.SSL_set_session(self._ssl, session._session) if not result: _raise_current_error() ConnectionType = Connection # This is similar to the initialization calls at the end of OpenSSL/ # but is exercised mostly by the Context initializer. _lib.SSL_library_init()